Sunday, December 13, 2009

Homeee Sweeet Homeeee

Chillen alas at the airport....Geez what a day, last night was near impossible to fall to sleep, with the anxiety I had to leave, and today I woke up at 11:00AM figuring since my flight leaves at 11:55PM and were about 2 hours away from the airport I'd be leaving around 5ish....BUT it turns out as I went to go have lunch downstairs (slept right through breakfast) they told me be ready to leave by 1:30PM?!?! The reason being Bryan has to be at the airport by 3-4 for his flight that leaves at 7, and I guess they weren't going to make two trips so I had to go. Also going with us was LiuLiu probably one of the best soccer players out of the 100+ that lived where we did, he is currently off to Belgium to try out, if he makes it then stay there for three 3 years get his European passport then, if God allows him compete in the biggest leagues in Europe. As for Bryan he goes from here to Rio De Janeiro, then from there to Miami, then from there cross country to LA...So I guess I shouldn't be so bummed that I have to wait this long for my flight when he has to fly from point a to b etc etc. Nonetheless I doubt I'll be seeing him again as we go our separate ways, he's off to Argentina in January, and I wish him the best of luck, and may he excel! As for me my future is still undecided, when I get back home I will meet with Muzzi, and Claviho, and speak with them and ask of course for their guidance as to where my future will be in January. I suck at writing, I go off topic so much as I write hehe, well ok so back to my day, I had to rush out get showered, say my good byes, (I realized I suck at these when I know I most likely won't see the person again) and get out the door. Luckily I had enough time to do everything, then it was off to the airport a long ride, in a packed car with all our luggage. A little over an hour and half into the trip, LiuLiu realizes his mom gave him his work permit (looks just like the Brazilian passport) and not his passport! So he called his mom but her phone seemed off he tried to call again 20 minutes later, and got through and the mom had to rush to the airport I'm not sure if she made it in time, my guess is she did....hopefully. So there was already some stress vibes flowing through the car then, about 15 minutes away from the airport our driver is forced to hit the brakes real hard, we come an inchhhhh form hitting the car in front of us, whewwww....2 seconds later the car behind us hits us! I bumped my head on the roof, but no real damage was done to any of us, as for the cars neither one would work again, so were forced to pull over on the highway, on the shoulder. From there we attempt to hail a cab, by random yelling and waving, this didn't go so well for about 25 minutes, then it began to rain......Everyone felt like it just wasn't meant for us to fly out of this country! Nonetheless we miraculously hailed a cab, and LiuLiu, Bryan, and I got to the airport finally safely. I'm happy to finally be here at the airport but ugh, I have to wait like 6 hours till I fly out of here...but I don't mind, the reward is I get too see my family again and get to spend the Holidays, and New Year with them and that's a blessing in it self.

As I leave Brazil I kind of miss it already, I know i nagged, and bugged out about how boring this place was. How hot it was. How the language barrier made it tough to go out and have a good time. But nonetheless I made friendships, I learned to be independent, I got closer to God, I altered my life, to a full soccer life. I became accustomed to that lifestyle, and I thank God I was able to spend 6 months over here, to not only improve in my soccer ability, but to be more prepared for life, I'm much more independent, I'm closer to God, and I've learned to become more responsible with my things. There are certain lessons in life in which you can't be taught them but only experience them, and I like to think I have experienced a lot out here, and learned a lot. I'm more wiser, and I've lived in a different culture, learned a new language, gotten closer to God, and gained independence. In 2010 I want to gain more independence and learn how to cook, I think if I ever live alone, I would like too cook, and not have to buy gourmet meals, from restaurants every night. I'm not saying I learned that in Brazil shoot, in Brazil I had it good, I had a buffet to pick from whether it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Easy life it was haha. But that would be something nice to learn how to do. I'm getting home at 5am, but I will have my mom, dad, and 3 brothers waiting for me, and they're more than I need. I miss em all so much, but soon we'll be together :) .

When I get there, I'll probably sleep then wake up for church, and just spend the day at my house with family, and friends, those who love me you know? Thinking about it puts a smile on my face. Some people probably think damn this kid is too stuck to his family, he won't make it alone. That's not the thing though, I can live alone, I don't have a problem with that, I mean I was brave enough to sign a contract to go to a country where I didn't speak the language and knew my parents wouldn't probably be able to visit, when I could've signed with a mexican team, where they speak my language and it becomes easier to visit, but that wasn't what was best for me, and God put that in my heart. The thing is my family has always been number one in my life, my brothers are my best friends, my mom is never not there for me, no matter what she finds time for me, I remember times I would walk through the door with a regular face on, and she could sense something was wrong with me, heh I guess that's the gift moms have. My dad wakes up everyday at 7:00AM and doesn't stop working sometimes barely eats till 2:00AM wakes up the next day and does it again, this includes weekends, and somehow he still finds the time, to give time to his family, take us shopping, takes us on vacations, he's the best father in the world. Maybe he works a little to hard, but one day I hope to make enough money playing soccer, for my parents can kick back and relax on a beach somewhere in paradise....

It's 6:32PM and boarding time is not till 10:50PM not sure what I will do I'm kind of sleepy, but I don't want too sleep yet I want to sleep on the plane although I've never been able to sleep on a plane for like over an hour...Whatever, I'll see what I do around here, SEE YOU IN MIAMI, theeeee best citayyyyyy in theeee worldddddd!!! :) Ciao all.

God Bless

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