Monday, October 5, 2009


So as I've gotten further into reading this book I already feel that about 40 pages in I've learned a lot, and have heard God talk to me. Then I heard God speak to me again when I started praying about my soccer career. It hit me, I'm truly in a place where all there is to do is play soccer, and the internet literally. Now I prayed to God saying it gets hard you know cause it's get mad boring over here a lot. Then He told me where else can I send you to get better at soccer and grow with me....I kinda let that sink in and observed my life in Brazil. Okay soccer wise a good place for me to get better stronger learn, it's Brazil the best soccer in the world. Why so boring how shall I fill up my time? Then I heard this, where in the world can I send you where you can receive good soccer, while also getting closer to me, then I noticed God made them put the rule of the internet going out at 11:00PM for I can dedicate my nights to working out and to God, if not I would be stuck on facebook or poker etc. Then I thought about going out? There's nothing to do here? But if they was something to do to keep me distracted would I ever really sit down and read a book? I just see that God has put me in this enviorment to not only grow soccer wise as a player, but also as human in getting closer to God. I have never felt this close to God as I've mentioned, and I now know how to live my life with God. So he's setting me up with this foundation for when I do go to somewhere more distraction filled, wherever that may be.

On the soccer aspect when I spoke with Luiz Muzzi he told me so far everything was going according to plan. By the way I can't play this year cause the registration deadline closed on Sept. 15th although Edu my coach did tell me that he would've put me in some games to play with but I wasn't registered. I asked Muzzi why I never got registered up, and he said the plan was to not expose me to playing till January, but as soon as January gets here that I can expect to be playing on a team, maybe here in Brazil or maybe somewhere else around the world. I obviously want to go play in Europe maybe somewhere like Portugal, but honestly I leave that in Gods hands and let his will be done. So soccer wise I'm excited for January but until then I'm definintly working hard. I've kept a good routine of working out at night on my own, and I've also began eating from the salad bar, also beans, and other foods that I don't like but I know I need to eat, so I've been mixing all my food up and eating. Lastly I've also been drinking my creatine, so my soccer life feels pretty complete, and progressing all glory to God. So my next step in my career will be in January I'm excited to see what's going to happen. I wish I could fast forward there, but it's the journey along the way that makes it a rewarding feat when you've accomplished stuff.

So yeah soccer wise, life wise everything seems perfect I can't be happier with the way things are going, I just hope I get moved to somewhere new in January not that I don't like Brazil but I need a change of scenerary I think something like Europe! Haha we'll see if God feels I'm ready to go out there. I'd like to give my two cents on the US U20 Mens National Team, and there recent faring at the 2009 FIFA World Cup in Egypt. I gotta admit, I was pretty upset to never be considered to play on this team especially after the year I put up in the academy, nonetheless they had a very good team going, and I think they were cocky, and too laid back and got their butts handed to them. It sucks cause I really wanted too see them succeed especially have two friends on the team Bryan Arguez, and Gale (last name too long) lol. But oh well, I think their defense was weak besides Gale and their right back Williams I think his name was he was a fast player with a fro. Also I think their goalie was outstanding, the midfield was okay, and up top they lacked playmakers I like Tony Taylor but they need people who are willing to come receive the ball and lay it off or turn a man with it like Jozy Altidore but whatever that world cup has come and gone. Maybe I can look forward to the U23 World Cup who knows...

Lastly there is a sick movie coming out in the states in fall it's Lebron James documentary on his life, I read online he cried when he saw the movie air for the first time, so it must be pretty cool it drops this fall, when I get back home I'm defenitly going to be seeing it, name of the movie is more than a game. Oh and incase anyone wants the book I been reading it's called "Discerning the voice of God" it's a really really good book, everyone should check it out, it's definitly helped me out. Alright I'm out got gym pretty soon. Blessings all.

God Bless

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