Sunday, November 1, 2009


Well as I lay in bed this time around to write this post, I've just finished reading a lot of my previous posts, and seen how much I've changed and progressed in almost a year of blogging, it's incredible. I've grown spiritually, soccer wise, I've matured, proven my independence, and am currently living a dream. As people right now back in Miami get ready, and all dressed up in costumes, to party up the festivities of Halloween I lay in my room, alone, in a third world country sacrificing everything back home, to follow a dream, a dream that was given to me by God. I always told God when I was younger I would do works for his Kingdom, and so far although I feel I have done some work, I haven't completed nearly anything that he has in store for me in the future. My future is so bright, I can just see it and filled with great accomplishments. I can't wait to achieve them, but it's not a nice fairy tale ride. Which is why I enjoy writing all of my experiences, I like to give people an inside look on my life, the fails, the accomplishments, the setbacks, and the glory given to God in this journey of mine.

I wish I could say everything was easy, and every day I progress and take a step forward, but the truth of the matter is, that you got to overcome the trials and tribulations to live a dream correctly. I've always struggled with commitment, with girls I never had a steady girlfriend until my last one of two years, and right now were on a low point I guess you can call it so not even that is going great....I've struggled to commit to school, to soccer when I was younger, and even to this day with God...It's hard, I mean you'd think that serving a higher power who just wants to give you a life filled with abundance and happiness would be easy, but it's actually pretty hard. Which is why God tells us that the road to Him is narrow, yet the road to hell is wide. It's easy to get caught up in things we know aren't right, but our flesh can't help but desire. I'm sure guilty of this, but I know that the Lord, and the Holy Spirit protect me every day, and when I give myself to Him every morning, He uses me for His kingdom, and it's such a blessing. Soccer wise these past two weeks (since my last post) have been really good, I've grown a bit closer to the guys, excelled on the field, and people have taken notice. I'm not saying that all the sudden I'm going to play or something, but the "good jobs", "well dones", etc have flowed more consistently from the players. Also I'm very honest with myself I know when I'm playing good or not, and I can say that I am on top of my game as of late. So soccer has been good, can't complain a ton of training though which has me taking some painkillers (given to me from the doctor) about twice a week. My weekends have been pretty boring, I mean I watch our team play, watch games on TV, and am on the computer the rest of the time. This past weekend I got invited to a party, it seemed really fun it was a group of about 5 going. When I asked what they were going to do sadly I felt conviction inside which lead to me not going. They told me they were going to spend the weekend at some chicks house, who's parents had left town, and they were just going to party, get drunk, and smoke....Now I'm not against partying or anything, but I've learned stuff back home in Miami. I mean a lived in a city my whole life where partying never ever stops.

When I was 17 I used to party a lot, drink a lot, never smoked, but ate junk food, slept late, didn't care about my work ethic etc. While Victor Pastora the former Director Of Coaches at Kendall Soccer (my club) always preached how we were all great players, with great potential, and better skill than any other team in the country, BUT the reason we wouldn't succeed would be our sleeping habits, eating habits, partying ways. So my last year in Kendall I quit that lifestyle and well the results followed...Thanks Vic, you really changed a part of my life that was holding me back. Right now I'm just reminiscing about my days back home, and my family. You know those weekends you wake up at 11, your moms cleaning, dads watching TV everyone is just in the house hanging out...well those are the days I miss most. Being at home....with my parents, grandparents, three other brothers (Diego, Mono, Jona) hanging out playing football, basketball, FIFA, or trying to figure out how we were going to sneak to the casino, of course minus my younger brother who's 12. I took those days for granted, and am grown up now, I wish I could go back to those care free days at home, procrastinating doing homework, I guess inside I still want to be a kid, ugh gotta grow up sometime I guess. On another note, I've finished reading my first book out here ; Discerning The Voice Of God. A truly great book, that has helped me grow a ton spiritually. I've now begun reading a second book, but has been delayed thanks much too, my brother. I remembered him watching the TV show Lost back home, and I began downloading episodes, and it's like cocaine, I'm hooked!! The story line for this show is incredible, I'm only on season one, and there's 6 seasons, my mom has sent me the rest, and am going to be receiving her box on Tuesday so from that day forward most of my free time will be filled up with that. Can't wait!!!

Well T minus 40 days and counting till I'm back in the states, in the mean time I'll keep rooting on my team. Were in the quater finals and tied the first leg away 0-0. Next one is here at home on Saturday. November has hit and new month has begun 17 days till the girl that holds my heart turn 19. As I come to a near completion of the first 6 months of my career as a professional soccer player, I'd like to title it Sacrifice & Patience. Anyways I'm out, I'll leave you guys with something I read every morning to start my day....

Proverbs 16:9 We can make our own plans, but God determines our steps.

Phillipians 2 He made Himself of no reputation.

"Each day is gift from God - have you said thank you today?"

And a note from my mom....

May the rose ride up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, may God always hold you in the palm of His hands.

Till the next one everybody take care all God Bless.

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