Monday, August 31, 2009

??????????? Blank lol.....

Edit: When I was about to put the title I drew a blank, I couldn't come up with anything clever or anything. Enjoyyyyyyyyy

Well it's been a while since my last post, I mainly been just talking to my family a lot, working out with Juan in the room, and having classic soccer games up to 21 in a like 36x15 or so place lol. Also been on watching a lot of videos on youtube, I never really was a fan of it but you can burn time with it I guess....Everyone should check out this one french kid 6 years old Madin Mohammod I think that's his name this kid is ridiculous on the ball, like Cristiano Ronaldo not even joking, check it out! Today is Monday and the first day back to training, this weekend we lost 2-1 =/ I didn't go to the game as it was a far drive and didn't want to travel, but I was told that the other team was not good at all they caught two lucky breaks on the goals, and then packed it in the back oh well. I've also offered my coach another position in which I feel like I can excel at and that is left back. I been doing a lot of on my own training on the ball and feel like my technical ball skills have improved to some degree. Anyways that's another story my position is central back, but I'm willing to play left back as well.

My praying has been really good lately I been waking up early showering, and praying and at night I shower and pray there before going to bed, it's been really good. Send me prayer requests if you got any, I've always said the best way of getting something is working for it and asking God to help you. Well I know I always tell people to keep me in their prayers, I just feel as if the more people that pray for me, the more God is going to hear this subject and just get fed up and give me a contract with Barcelona ;) kiddingggg. It's all on God's timing.

Thank you for anyone that prayed for my fathers surgery to go good, as it did thank you Lord. For those who don't know he had surgery two nights ago, and he was in much pain although when I talked to him yesterday he felt much better and looked good. He had one of those bad ass scars on his stomach though it looked cool, though very painful.

My birthday is in a month and one day :) it'll be my first birthday my mom and I don't celebrate together, but it's okay we'll have a web chat birthday together. Just like when it's my girlfriend and our anniversary of two years of being together, we'll have a cute little web chat dinner. Babe for dinner I'm ordering the exclusive and rare peanut butter sandwich just cause it's the only food I can have in my room lol. Well I won't reveal anything else about that date as I can't spoil it for her!

Well there's been some interesting calls soccer wise but I gotta keep it on the lowwww for now, we'll see what happens in the upcoming months by the end of this year there should be something new. But sorry can;t leak out any information for now! Also would like to give a special thanks to all the YANKS on you guys are really supportive, cool, and helpful thanks for all the well wishes hopefully we won't dissapoint you guys. Till the nesxt one keep me in your prayers :)

God Bless :)))))))

Monday, August 24, 2009

A better life for you....

I've had this in my inbox, and think it's something that we can all follow to make yourself a better person I've slightly began practicing it a bit, while adding some stuff daily .... I read this and thought it was so good, that I didn't even want to share it I felt like it was a secret to success... Kind of silly, but hey if it made me feel better, and makes my life more healthier and better, why shouldn't I show it to other people for they can improve their lives. I'm not saying I treat this like religion and do everything it asks, but I think most of the things on this list are really good, and true at least in my opinion, so incase of keeping this wonderful email to myself, and be selfish I've chosen to share it with the world.... I hope that by posting this someone's life will improve even if it's by the slightest bit, anyway here it is, I'm off too practice now we have gym today time to hit it hard again and get that body sore I love that feeling -___-


1. Drink plenty of water
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy
5. Make time for prayer
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day -- and while you walk, smile

11. Don't compare your life to others - you have no idea what their journey is all about
12. Don't harbor negative thoughts or worry about things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
13. Don't overdo; create healthy limits
14. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time, you already have all you need
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past - that will ruin your present happiness
19. Life is too short to waste time (or energy) hating anyone
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class, but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime
23. Smile and laugh more
24. Agree to disagree - you don't have to win every argument

25. Call your family often
26. Each day give something good to others
27. Forgive everyone for everything
28. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day
30. What other people think of you is none of your business
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick - your family and friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right things
33. Get rid of anything (or anybody) that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
34. GOD heals everything
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
37. The best is yet to come
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
39. Your "inner most" is always happy - so, be happy

Last but not least:

40. Do forward this to everyone you care about .

God Bless :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

1st week back in Brasil

Well here's a recap of my first training week in Brasil we started the next day after my arrival first was Monday. It began with waking up at 7am going down having my breakfast, coming back up showering, praying, then played xbox as today all we had was gym at 3pm. So with a free morning ahead I took advantage and fixed my room, and have everything pretty nice and neat. After lunch at 11pm I rested up, and talked with some of the guys and caught up with them on what's been going on etc. There are definintly some changes in the coaching staff, and a lot of players were let go to bring in new ones. I was happy too see Guilermee one of my friends who had left the academy return. Anyways we hit the gym pretty hard, well at least I did, I was maxing out, and just leaving my body and sweat at that gym, for my position I'm not as big as the ideal center back for most people. So when we have gym I stay longer doing extra, and once gym was over in my room I did some abs and push ups. I know that I need to continue to work hard, for I know that if you show God your truly doing extra and really want something He'll bring it towards you with his grace. The night was fun, hanging out and playing FIFA with the guys.

The next morning began the same way but Tuesday had a much more busy agenda, as we were set to train 3x once at 9am, then gym at 4pm, followed up by a physical session at 5pm. The morning session was rather light with not too much hard work but still some good training with our new coach Pita, and his brother Edu. I perfer these guys over Marcelo as to me Marcelo never paid attention to all the players only the starting 11 . But everyone has their own way of coaching, anyways training was light and after we had lunch and rested. The 4 and 5 pm session followed up each other with no break in between. My body had never felt so sore and exhausted from working out and running as I was that day. But it feels so good when you work and train hard and know that your progressing.

Anyways the next day was more of the same thing. Except my body was sorer than ever...Anyways it was somewhat hard to get up just cause when your exhausted as I was all you want to do is sleep, but sleeping won't get you anywhere. So we went out and trained 5v5 then 10v10 and doing some technical work before it. My team did awful although, I didn't play great either I was happy I kept working. Then we had more technical training at 3pm and followed it up with a 11v11 scrimmage with rules the midfield area had only two touches while everywhere else was free, their was cones to indicate the zones. This time I didn't want to lose so I began yelling in spanish/portugese lol and directing the team pumping them up giving support etc. as a result we did much better, and I think lost 3-2 but a close game. After we finished the scrimmage we went straight to the gym and pumped more iron while doing some work with dumbells. As my body laid in bed that night I could remember how sore it felt, but how good I felt for how hard I had been working. After I just laid back relaxed and prayed for some things, that are very near to me, and others that aren't so near but I know people need help with.

Thursday was a more relaxed day as the players got ready for their game on Saturday versus SEV Hortolandia. Thursday began normal then at 10:30 we headed to the auditorium to have a discussion with our motivational teacher who speks to us on certain topics and motivates, along with speaking about emotions. We saw "Britains Got Talent" and she showed us a cell phone salesman, who was 38 years old, in his interview before the finals he said his dream was always to sing opera, but he lacked confidence, and was very self concious so never went through with it. The other finalist was a 6yr old girl who I'm sure was not aware of how big of an honor it would be to win this. Not only that but the winner got a lot of money that was undisclosed, and got to sing for the Queen of England! Anyways we discussed how each one was very humble in their own way. In the end the cellphone salesman won, but the lesson we were learning was how humble he was and how if he had just had confidence he could have been singing his whole life instead of selling cell phones. So she went on to tell us how we need to stay humble and how lucky we are to be in the position that we are today, a chance to live a dream travel the world get paid millions, and do something you love. But she didn't fail to remind us how we must stay humble. She brought up an example saying 5 years ago did we see ourselves here? All the answers were no, then she followed it up with....Then why can't you in 5 years be playing for Brazil or USA in the 2014 World Cup hosted by Brazil....She went on saying how we must train not be lazy, and want to improve everyday no matter how tired we are if we really do love this we need to continue if not why are we doing this? All in all, it was really motivational. From there we rested till training time which was at 4pm. Training was very hard we were out there in the rain, and it was rough, though a very good practice. The rest of the day everyone just hung out, I played poker with two of my teammates and that was fun, after the game was over I won, and I called it a night and hit the bed.

The next morning training was what they call "brincadera" they do this every time the day day before a game. It's where u play a half field scrimmage and players play their opposite of their position, for example a forward would play goalie etc etc, and the coaches play as well. All in all it's a lot of fun and creates a good vibe for the team. After that it was a free day, although unfortunately I was transfered to another room along with my teammate/roommate Bryan. After all that I been pretty much resting, and excited to see my team in their second game of the season. Next day was pretty hectic as it began from the moment I woke up till now that I'm writing this at 11:08pm on Saturday. Anyways after waking up I laid in bed and just listened to music when Adolfo one of the directors here told us "let's go the Juvenils (U17) are about to start their game we quickly changed and rushed to the game it was a good game which we won 3-0 pretty convincingly. After that we returned to home, to have lunch hang out about 15 minutes then leave to my age groups game the U20s or otherwise known as "los juniores" the game was really boring as the other team played defensively obviously hoping to leave the game with a tie, but with 20 minutes left they scored on a corner kick, but then with 10 minutes left we scored on a free kick, and missed about two more oppertunities so at least the game got exciting, unfortunately we ended in a tie, and leaves our season record with one win one tie and no losses (the first game we won 7-0). After that we got dropped off to get a haircut and the people there were really nice, we had a great time chatting while getting a nice cut. After we returned to home, and got ready to go out, but on the way to the city they told us they were going out and not returning till 6am the next day cause curfew is at 11pm and if your not back by then you get fined so instead your allowed to return at 6am. So with that happening we decided to take the night easy and just get some food in the city and return to home as we did. After that we hung out ate crap, then I worked out here on my own in my room, and ate some more, and now I'm writing this, and probably going to pray while listening to some music and call it a night.

I also wanted to mention how great it's been over here since I've gotten back everyone is super cool, and nice and I'm getting along with them much much better. Also the work rate here has gone up, and everyone seems to be working hard, it's really a fun enviorment to be in...However I won't forget what Victor Pastora told me, who to me has always been a mentor type of person and has taught me and guided me in the right way soccerwise and even with some life choices. He told me "Don't ever get comfortable or satisfied with where your at strive to get better and work harder and harder everyday see each day as a day to improve, and get better" Well Vic you can count on me that I'm definintly working hard everyday and not taking this lightly. Till the next one may God Bless you all, and don't ever get comfortable with being average or mediocre strive to be the best, sounds cheesy but it's true.

God Bless

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back In Brasil

Well Miami has came and gone just like that, I was said to be here for about a month and 3 weeks since my arrival to the 305 I'm leaving just like that back to Porto Feliz, Brasil again....I know I REALLY didn't write much while in Miami, but it's just cause it's hard your always busy seeing someone, spending time with someone, or doing something, there's time to blog, sure but your too tired when there's time, and perfer to relax. Well this time back home had plenty of ups and I would say one down, but I was at fault in the situation and acted immaturely, but we grow and we learn.

Well a week ago from today we played the U17 Colombian National Team. The game was going to be 3 halves of 30 minutes each. We had about 26 players on the roster so pretty much had two teams. The first half was good and even matched, and it ended at 0-0 with both team having their fair amount of chances on goal. The second half our midfield was changed, and the midfield on two mistakes pretty much left us (the defense) with our back against the wall, and they managed to get two goals. So 2-0 at the half. The third half they changed the team completely, and the first team watched from the bench we saw a horrific game after and Colombia ended up putting 6 on us at the end.

Anyways Miami Fc lost again after losing to the PR Islanders 4-0 this time around though they lost at home to Minnesota Thunder 1-0. Another dissapointing lost..... Anyways while in Miami I went to the casino a bit, and as a result of winning some money, I went shopping and bought my girlfriend, and mom some gifts :) Next time around it'll be the brothers and dad. Uhmmm I also would like to pat myself on the back for eating and drinking very good and healthy while over here. Trust me in Miami this is very difficult, but thanks to my mom for buying me healthy snacks at the house to eat.

Well my flight is about to take off on my flight 9 hours directly my flight is supposed to take off in the next 15 minutes, but we'll see, hopefully I have a turbulence free safe quick flight. When I get there I will post this blog shower and knock out probably as tomorrow it's back to training I'm excited more this time around to get playing time and start playing and showing the world what I got and what I'm capable of with a God as big as mine :)

Edit: Well now im writing after being here about 8 hours and wow everyone has greeted me awesomely with hugs and stories and it's been a great warm feeling, I got to say it was nice to see I did make some good friends, and they're receiving me with open arms. Today we have gym then tomorrow we start 3x a day training. I'm excited to get back into this good happy training enviorment. I'm excited! Oh also I got a professional room to stay in with TV and all it's awesome I also got a closet that fits my clothes finally and all my foods. I'm so excited. I miss my family, girlfriend, and friends back at home. But I'm ready to start playing over here in Brasil!

God Bless everyone!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's been a while but a wrap up of Miami so far....

Well this is what Miami does to you, it keeps you so wrapped up and busy there's just no time for blogging. Nonetheless I have found the time to blog, I've been in Miami now for something like 11 days or so, and it's been awesome. I've done a lot from just spending time w/ the family to eating dinner at the beach with my love, to being at a very exciting game of Miami Fc that we tied 1-1 in the 94th minute! But more on those things later, let's take it all the way back to day 1.

I get here the surprise is awesome everyone is happy, were all enjoying having a magnificent time, eating from my dad's barbeeque and everything goes amazing.

Next day we decide to have a family evening, and head out to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. My dad and I wound up playing blackjack real quick before dinner i made $30 my dad made $15 and we went to dinner, at Tequila Ranch. Which has a fun enviorment filled with young people just looking to have a good time. Anyways dinner was, my girlfriend, my family, my brothers girlfriend, and I. It was a good dinner that we all enjoyed, and then something quite embarrasing happened to my mom which was kind of my fault =x but I won't mention that I love you mami if your reading this! :) Well anyways after dinner everyone kind of spread out and I went to play poker while playing for about 5 minutes all of the sudden comes Jose Canseco (the steroider from baseball if you don't know who he is) and sits and starts to play. Anyways to make a long story short he got really lucky on me in a $280ish pot and I got up and called it a night....

The next eventful day was probably Tuesday my first day of training with Miami Fc. I always thought these people were like 23 24 years old when really there all 28 30 and even 35 years old! Their old, but for being as old as they are they can still definintly play soccer. Anyways training was light, I mean it's just normal training I guess people messing around and doing some small sided games a little bit of running etc etc. So everyday my schedule has looked something like gym sometime early like before 2:00 then Miami Fc training at 5:00 till about 7 7:30.

After training all week, we had a game Saturday at 8pm versus Montreal who were currently 2 ponts behind us so this game was going to be very very important. Anyways I was told to be here at 3pm although the game was at 8pm and I wasn't even going to play, I didn't ask questions though and arrived at the field at 2:45 got changed and headed out to the field with Zack, only to find about 130 kids waiting there. Well it turned out to be that Miami Fc was having an inaugural one day camp, where you get to meet the pros, play with them, have a locker room tour, get some prizes, and get a free ticket to the game versus Montreal! It was an awesome and really fun camp. Yeah sure it was like 95 degrees and I was playing soccer with 12 and 13 yr olds but I had a great time, and the kids were all really enthusiastic, and Koko who was the somewhat leader of the camp did really good with all the kids and making sure everyone had a good time. I applaud Miami Fc on their idea of doing this, and give thanks to the 6-7 players that came out to help with the kids. By 6pm all the kids were gone to a pizza party and I was ready to run 10 sprints of 300 meters before the game for all the players that weren't going to play in the game. After that I went to the locker room showered, and got changed ready to watch the game with my parents in the fan section. Now on my way to the fan section Fernando Claviho, and Koko asked where I was going and I said my parents are here so I'm going to sit with them Koko then handed me a sharpie and said I would need it....I didn't think anything of it, but thanks for the sharpie Koko! For when I got to the fan section there was about 40 kids asking for my autograph, it felt pretty cool you know to be recognized and all....I had no problem signing as many shirts as I possibly could I mean it was super fun to do, and had a great time in doing so. On one kids particular shirt we had talked earlier throughout the day and I had a great conversation with him, I can't remember his name but I know he knows who he is so if you ever come across this blog man, may God Bless, and can't wait to play you when you make it professional as well!

Now onto the game versus Montreal we continuously stuggled throughout the game and we had some exciting moments but nothing close....then late in the second half Montreal scored and we were kind of down in spirits, but we never gave up, and thanks to two substitutions we got an amazing goal in the 94th minute to tie!!!! It was a really good ending to the day near perfect, but we'll take the tie! The goal came from a big left foot cross from Jack and it was put right into the space in front of Marcina where he hit it passed the keeper, and tied up the game! It was an extremely exciting game.

The next day we had off so I decided I would take my girlfriend out to dinner on South Beach, we didn't know where we were going to eat so we just walked down Ocean drive till we found a restaurant that was appealing. Sure enough we found an Italian one where unfortunately I can't remember the name, but I will tell you that the food was, the service was great, and I had thee BEST cheesecake I have ever had in my life! It was vanilla cheesecake showered in strawberry sauce, with real strawberry cut up along side it. It was amazing. :)

The day after that we wounded up waking up and heading out to South Beach again this time we went to enjoy the sun and beach. Wow I missed the beach a lot, I just love everything about the beach, anyways after we both got a nice tan we went shopping Collins street. Bought some nice clothes for me along with a nice pair of Steve Madden shoes for my girlfriend. After that tired and all we headed back home and rested.

Yesterday was Tuesday and I was back to training, but yesterday was an extremely tiring day. My day went as followed.

Woke up at 10am had a light breakfast.
Picked up Rafa Centofanti and had subway at 2pm
Gym from 2:30pm - 3:45pm worked out some arms legs and abs.
From there headed to Miami Fc practice from 5pm to 7pm.
I left right away and went too Kendall Academy U18 practice which was from 7:30-9:30.
Then alas I got home and rested.....

Today is finally Wednesday and I'm finally wrapping up this blog, sorry I took so long it' just that's what Miami does to you....

Well I hope I continue on forward with my progress and all. Hope everyone has been having great summers....Shoutoutssss..... Bryan Dominguez he signed with Traffic and is here in Miami, and will be heading out to Brasil with me when I go back. Shoutout to Juan David Dominguez who also signed with Traffic though he is 17 and plays for the younger guys look forward too seeing you out there in Brasil again man. And last but notleast my girlfriend who got into college, she is now studying at Keiser University here locally in Miami.

Hopefully my next post won't be too long before I do another one but till then.

God Blesss :)