Sunday, August 23, 2009

1st week back in Brasil

Well here's a recap of my first training week in Brasil we started the next day after my arrival first was Monday. It began with waking up at 7am going down having my breakfast, coming back up showering, praying, then played xbox as today all we had was gym at 3pm. So with a free morning ahead I took advantage and fixed my room, and have everything pretty nice and neat. After lunch at 11pm I rested up, and talked with some of the guys and caught up with them on what's been going on etc. There are definintly some changes in the coaching staff, and a lot of players were let go to bring in new ones. I was happy too see Guilermee one of my friends who had left the academy return. Anyways we hit the gym pretty hard, well at least I did, I was maxing out, and just leaving my body and sweat at that gym, for my position I'm not as big as the ideal center back for most people. So when we have gym I stay longer doing extra, and once gym was over in my room I did some abs and push ups. I know that I need to continue to work hard, for I know that if you show God your truly doing extra and really want something He'll bring it towards you with his grace. The night was fun, hanging out and playing FIFA with the guys.

The next morning began the same way but Tuesday had a much more busy agenda, as we were set to train 3x once at 9am, then gym at 4pm, followed up by a physical session at 5pm. The morning session was rather light with not too much hard work but still some good training with our new coach Pita, and his brother Edu. I perfer these guys over Marcelo as to me Marcelo never paid attention to all the players only the starting 11 . But everyone has their own way of coaching, anyways training was light and after we had lunch and rested. The 4 and 5 pm session followed up each other with no break in between. My body had never felt so sore and exhausted from working out and running as I was that day. But it feels so good when you work and train hard and know that your progressing.

Anyways the next day was more of the same thing. Except my body was sorer than ever...Anyways it was somewhat hard to get up just cause when your exhausted as I was all you want to do is sleep, but sleeping won't get you anywhere. So we went out and trained 5v5 then 10v10 and doing some technical work before it. My team did awful although, I didn't play great either I was happy I kept working. Then we had more technical training at 3pm and followed it up with a 11v11 scrimmage with rules the midfield area had only two touches while everywhere else was free, their was cones to indicate the zones. This time I didn't want to lose so I began yelling in spanish/portugese lol and directing the team pumping them up giving support etc. as a result we did much better, and I think lost 3-2 but a close game. After we finished the scrimmage we went straight to the gym and pumped more iron while doing some work with dumbells. As my body laid in bed that night I could remember how sore it felt, but how good I felt for how hard I had been working. After I just laid back relaxed and prayed for some things, that are very near to me, and others that aren't so near but I know people need help with.

Thursday was a more relaxed day as the players got ready for their game on Saturday versus SEV Hortolandia. Thursday began normal then at 10:30 we headed to the auditorium to have a discussion with our motivational teacher who speks to us on certain topics and motivates, along with speaking about emotions. We saw "Britains Got Talent" and she showed us a cell phone salesman, who was 38 years old, in his interview before the finals he said his dream was always to sing opera, but he lacked confidence, and was very self concious so never went through with it. The other finalist was a 6yr old girl who I'm sure was not aware of how big of an honor it would be to win this. Not only that but the winner got a lot of money that was undisclosed, and got to sing for the Queen of England! Anyways we discussed how each one was very humble in their own way. In the end the cellphone salesman won, but the lesson we were learning was how humble he was and how if he had just had confidence he could have been singing his whole life instead of selling cell phones. So she went on to tell us how we need to stay humble and how lucky we are to be in the position that we are today, a chance to live a dream travel the world get paid millions, and do something you love. But she didn't fail to remind us how we must stay humble. She brought up an example saying 5 years ago did we see ourselves here? All the answers were no, then she followed it up with....Then why can't you in 5 years be playing for Brazil or USA in the 2014 World Cup hosted by Brazil....She went on saying how we must train not be lazy, and want to improve everyday no matter how tired we are if we really do love this we need to continue if not why are we doing this? All in all, it was really motivational. From there we rested till training time which was at 4pm. Training was very hard we were out there in the rain, and it was rough, though a very good practice. The rest of the day everyone just hung out, I played poker with two of my teammates and that was fun, after the game was over I won, and I called it a night and hit the bed.

The next morning training was what they call "brincadera" they do this every time the day day before a game. It's where u play a half field scrimmage and players play their opposite of their position, for example a forward would play goalie etc etc, and the coaches play as well. All in all it's a lot of fun and creates a good vibe for the team. After that it was a free day, although unfortunately I was transfered to another room along with my teammate/roommate Bryan. After all that I been pretty much resting, and excited to see my team in their second game of the season. Next day was pretty hectic as it began from the moment I woke up till now that I'm writing this at 11:08pm on Saturday. Anyways after waking up I laid in bed and just listened to music when Adolfo one of the directors here told us "let's go the Juvenils (U17) are about to start their game we quickly changed and rushed to the game it was a good game which we won 3-0 pretty convincingly. After that we returned to home, to have lunch hang out about 15 minutes then leave to my age groups game the U20s or otherwise known as "los juniores" the game was really boring as the other team played defensively obviously hoping to leave the game with a tie, but with 20 minutes left they scored on a corner kick, but then with 10 minutes left we scored on a free kick, and missed about two more oppertunities so at least the game got exciting, unfortunately we ended in a tie, and leaves our season record with one win one tie and no losses (the first game we won 7-0). After that we got dropped off to get a haircut and the people there were really nice, we had a great time chatting while getting a nice cut. After we returned to home, and got ready to go out, but on the way to the city they told us they were going out and not returning till 6am the next day cause curfew is at 11pm and if your not back by then you get fined so instead your allowed to return at 6am. So with that happening we decided to take the night easy and just get some food in the city and return to home as we did. After that we hung out ate crap, then I worked out here on my own in my room, and ate some more, and now I'm writing this, and probably going to pray while listening to some music and call it a night.

I also wanted to mention how great it's been over here since I've gotten back everyone is super cool, and nice and I'm getting along with them much much better. Also the work rate here has gone up, and everyone seems to be working hard, it's really a fun enviorment to be in...However I won't forget what Victor Pastora told me, who to me has always been a mentor type of person and has taught me and guided me in the right way soccerwise and even with some life choices. He told me "Don't ever get comfortable or satisfied with where your at strive to get better and work harder and harder everyday see each day as a day to improve, and get better" Well Vic you can count on me that I'm definintly working hard everyday and not taking this lightly. Till the next one may God Bless you all, and don't ever get comfortable with being average or mediocre strive to be the best, sounds cheesy but it's true.

God Bless

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