Monday, August 17, 2009

Back In Brasil

Well Miami has came and gone just like that, I was said to be here for about a month and 3 weeks since my arrival to the 305 I'm leaving just like that back to Porto Feliz, Brasil again....I know I REALLY didn't write much while in Miami, but it's just cause it's hard your always busy seeing someone, spending time with someone, or doing something, there's time to blog, sure but your too tired when there's time, and perfer to relax. Well this time back home had plenty of ups and I would say one down, but I was at fault in the situation and acted immaturely, but we grow and we learn.

Well a week ago from today we played the U17 Colombian National Team. The game was going to be 3 halves of 30 minutes each. We had about 26 players on the roster so pretty much had two teams. The first half was good and even matched, and it ended at 0-0 with both team having their fair amount of chances on goal. The second half our midfield was changed, and the midfield on two mistakes pretty much left us (the defense) with our back against the wall, and they managed to get two goals. So 2-0 at the half. The third half they changed the team completely, and the first team watched from the bench we saw a horrific game after and Colombia ended up putting 6 on us at the end.

Anyways Miami Fc lost again after losing to the PR Islanders 4-0 this time around though they lost at home to Minnesota Thunder 1-0. Another dissapointing lost..... Anyways while in Miami I went to the casino a bit, and as a result of winning some money, I went shopping and bought my girlfriend, and mom some gifts :) Next time around it'll be the brothers and dad. Uhmmm I also would like to pat myself on the back for eating and drinking very good and healthy while over here. Trust me in Miami this is very difficult, but thanks to my mom for buying me healthy snacks at the house to eat.

Well my flight is about to take off on my flight 9 hours directly my flight is supposed to take off in the next 15 minutes, but we'll see, hopefully I have a turbulence free safe quick flight. When I get there I will post this blog shower and knock out probably as tomorrow it's back to training I'm excited more this time around to get playing time and start playing and showing the world what I got and what I'm capable of with a God as big as mine :)

Edit: Well now im writing after being here about 8 hours and wow everyone has greeted me awesomely with hugs and stories and it's been a great warm feeling, I got to say it was nice to see I did make some good friends, and they're receiving me with open arms. Today we have gym then tomorrow we start 3x a day training. I'm excited to get back into this good happy training enviorment. I'm excited! Oh also I got a professional room to stay in with TV and all it's awesome I also got a closet that fits my clothes finally and all my foods. I'm so excited. I miss my family, girlfriend, and friends back at home. But I'm ready to start playing over here in Brasil!

God Bless everyone!


  1. good luck ..... and fight for your dream every day and not let anyone stand in them ..... god is with u for sure :)

  2. thank you :) ......who is "B" though?

  3. just think !!! and you're going to find out who is "B" ....... jajajjajajajaja u are smart so i don't think that u need more clues
