Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life is for living not living up tight

As of late I have never felt closer to God, I have never felt more sure about anything than I'm sure of my life, and what my goal purpose is. I'm not saying oh I found out what I need to do in life, and then God is going to take me away but for now, I know what my mission is I've once again felt Gods connection, and can hear him speak to me, I know I may sound crazy, or a fanatic, as people claim, but I'm just a kid, who knows that God has an everlasting love for us, and gave his only child to suffer on earth for us, while peasants killed Him. It's incredible how we can go through each day not even saying thanks to God for the food we have, the water, the shelter, and family. I can't relate to you people out there with split families or dad's that left you but what I can tell you is that God is willing to take you in no matter what. Just go to him. Ugh I know I sound like I'm trying to convert people to Gods ways, but it's just- it's just a feeling that feels so perfect inside it makes you feel peace of mind, and keep things in perspective. I get angered pretty easily but I just ask God for patience, and I ask Him to take over my life, to be in control and let things fall together in his power. I see through eyes of faith now, I don't see through these blinded eyes of the world that seek money, fame, and cars, for happiness. Yes those things are nice, but it's so much nicer when you can find God, and be at peace of mind. I wake up everyday at 6:30 training is at 9:00. The reason I wake up at that time is to pray and thank God for the day, if anyone knows me they know I love to sleep in, but it's just you need to find time and dedicate it to God, and before I go to sleep I pray to him as well, in fact I pray while out on the soccer field, in the gym, while eating I talk to him in my mind. I'm obsessed I guess. It doesn't make me a different person, or weird don't judge me for what I believe in, I'm just inviting you guys to find God his love is not like any you can find. I understand by doing this post I may lose some fans cause people will disagree with me on the topic of God, but hey if you take this the wrong way I'm sorry I'm not trying to challenge your God or say mine is better, I'm just trying to let you guys understand that the reason I succeed is God. Trust me I know myself better than anyone, and I know that I'm not that good of a soccer player to be here in Brazil getting paid to paly and do what I love, it's a dream that I'm living but only because God has this idea of me going around the world playing soccer, and telling people about God. God is trying to show the world that he can take anyone a kid from Miami who prior to this past year wasn't able to make the A team on his club, but by me staying humble and always giving God the credit for when I did good, he's using me as an example to the world. And I say the world cause people all over the United States know my name, people in Mexico, people in Colombia, and now people in Brazil, I'm not sure where God will take me next, but I do know he's going to take me to bigger and better places. Some people may think "Wow your cocky" but believe me I'm not, I just have FAITH that God is going to take me as an example to the world, and people may also think you know if your wrong your going to look stupid right? Well Jesus was a man like you and I, and he would call a crowd of as many people as he could to tell them, hey this guy is blind I'm going to make him see right now. He would've looked stupid if he wasn't able to but he knew that God was going to let him down. Just as in the same way I invite all of you, all of you who have stuck with me and supported me, and kept on reading my blogs and leaving comments on it thank you, and I now invite you to continue my journey with me around the world, as I give God glory as I progress and as I go around the world. I pray you guys may all be as blessed as I am and if not don't worry have faith, for David killed Goliath with stones. We can conquer anything we set our minds too, if we just believe and have faith in our God. We all live in question in what are purpose is down here, don't seek answers just let God take control of your life, and live life to the fullest each and everyday I'll leave you guys with a quote.

"Life is living, not for living up tight" - Jay Z

God Bless

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