Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Family

What is family to you? Someone who is blood related, or only people in your immediate family? Do you consider all your family, family? I have four brothers, one cousin, a mother, a father, and an uncle. Those are people I consider something more than family. I have two brothers, a mom, and a dad from my immediate family. Then I have an uncle and cousin from my dads side of the family. Finally I have two brothers who are really just friends but that are more than just friends to me, I consider them family.

Let's start with my two friends, Jona Andrade and Dustin Goffan. Jona, I've known him since I was hmm I'd say about 6 years old and he's always been my older brothers best friend. He's been living with my family and I now for about a year, and he's really a great humble kid. He's a hard working dedicated person. I can really say I love him, and will protect him like he's family. We have a funny relationship to, we love pissing each other off. Whether it be from the last ice cream bar, to who's winning in a video game. Haha I'm laughing while writing this, we've had so many funny moments where we just talk shit to each other. When I was younger we weren't as close, but now that I'm older and we share more interests we've really gotten closer and I just wanted to let you know even though you already know Jona your family brother, I love you man. Next is Dustin my nigggaaaaaaaa, (don't take offense anyone it's slang). I've known him forever now, but we recently started getting close about a year ago. It's crazy how you grow with someone, in just a year, I look back to a year ago when we first started hanging out and damn we were fools, and not in the best situations. I look at us now, not only has our friendship grown, but we've grown as people. I love this kid so much for his honesty. Shit if there's anyone that ever tells me like it is, and has to be brutally honest I know I can count on him. Were truly boys, brothers, and I would like to think -actually naw it's a fact I know this fool would do me a favor if I ever needed it no matter what it is, he actually baby sat my little brother a whole day for me at my house and like it wasn't the funnest thing but I had to do something and he had my back. I can get into a lot more detailed crazier stories but you'll have to go out with us to experience that haha. Love you braaa.

Next my cousin Bella, and her dad who is my uncle German. Never have I met anyone outside of my immediate family who gives me so much unconditional love like my uncle. Crazy guy he is, always in a good mood, always smiling, trying to be young. I love it he can seriously be having a bad day but I swear I wouldn't be able to notice it at all. I haven't seen him in a long time cause he doesn't live in the states no more, but damn what I would give to see him again. I'm sure I will one of these days, and soon. God knows how much I miss him, and am just longing to chill by the beach with him, and talk shit while listening to vallenato. Ah just thinking about it gives me a quick jolt of excitement followed by the pain of missing him. The time will come though for sure I have no doubt. Next, Bella Bella Bella, oh where would I be today if it wasn't for some of the talks we had. One talk in particular, I was so close to dropping out of high school, just cause I didn't feel like dealing with bullshit classes anymore. You literally came to my house that same night you heard, it was like 11pm and talked massive sense into me. You've seriously been one of my biggest supporters going to my soccer games, keeping me away from making stupid decisions. For example when I was hustling for money, and doing stupid shit, you caught me and stopped me before I got in any deeper. Honestly I'd probably have a different mindset if it weren't for you. You've always always been there for me prima I seriously love you with all my heart.

Then I have my two real blood brothers. Diego damn, all the shit we've been through together and against each other. We've done some really stupid stuff, to some even stupider stuff to each other. But honestly I can't stay mad at my brother for more than 12 hours probably. LOL yo D since your reading this, think about the day I scored on you at FIFA at 3am and stayed quiet and you just whooped my ass in the closet for scoring a goal, haha I'm seriously cracking up at my computer screen as I write this. I love you big brother, you know I've always looked up to you. You've always been an inspiration to me, and I hope in some ways I can be one to you as well. You have definitely kept me out of trouble, now that I think about why am I always getting myself into dumb troublesome situations? Whatever thank God I got a brother like you to look out for me, I love you man you know we have a bond like no other. I'm proud of everything your doing in your life D you've made me somewhat the person I am today with advice, and just learning from your dumb mistakes haha. Keep looking over me man, I'm bound to keep messing up. Now for my younger brother, for those of you who are close to me know that we call him Mono. Mono man your so annoying sometimes, but I know I'm way more annoying to you than you are to me!! I love you so much mono, I guess that's why sometimes I'm so hard on you about soccer, and stuff it's only cause I want you to be the best at everything. Like in Call Of Duty you rape me in it! I want you to know also Mono that I'm always here to give you advice on anything from girls, to soccer, to anything. Your the best little brother, and I'm sorry for pissing you off so many times, and making you do favors for me. I promise that when I go back to Miami we'll go paintballing again to make it up to you. Your the best little brother ever, and not only cause of the favors you do for me!! Love you monks.

Lastly my parents, my mom. I'm gonna write this part in spanish for them. Mami y Papi adonde comienzo con ustedes. Jamas en mi vida e conocido unos papas que dan todo el amor, sacrificio, que ustedes dan y en sima de eso yo hago y a echo toda las cagadas del mundo. Perdoname por todo las peleas que emos tenio se que tengo un caracter fuerte y no estamos de acuerdo muchas veces. Pero como siempre ustedes ya lo viveron y siempre tienen la razon. Mami, papi gracias por nunca darse por vencido en mi. Si no era por todo el apollo de ustedes y la fe que ustedes tienen en mi, no estaria donde estoy hoy. Mami gracias por siempre hablarme y darme la confianza para segir con cosas cuando yo no queria mas. Papi gracias por darme todo el amor y supporto que me das, y tambien por ensenarme que tienes que luchar para lo que quieres en esta vida. Usted es el ejemplo mas grande de eso, con todo lo que has vivido y ahora haciendo el hermano menor supportas a todo ellos con lo que puedas, y en sima de eso das todo a tu familia. Los dos son personas maravillosas y si Dios quiere puedo ser solo medio de lo que son ustedes. Incredible la fe que tienen, el amor, que dan, y tan trabajadores que son. Gracias por ensenarme todo lo que me han ensenado, por todo los consejos, y por hacerme en la persona que ven en frente de ustedes hoy en dia. O jala les doy orgullo a ustedes para mi tengo todo el orgullo del mundo para decir que ustedes son mis papas. Los amo con todo lo que tengo!! I love you!!!!!!

Damn.........that was a bit emotional. For those who don't understand spanish I'm sorry, that was something more correlated toward my parents. But yeah that's my family, that's what makes me who I am. Those are the people I pray for everyday, and hope God protects and blesses their lives each day more and more. Take a second to appreciate your family, give your mom that kiss goodbye. Call your dad and wish him a good day at work, and tell him you want to have lunch together. Go play basketball with your brother in the park, and then talk shit after. Help around the house for when your mom gets home she has one less chore to do. Appreciate your family, there something special. I love you fam, hope you guys enjoyed todays entry.

God bless.

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