Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Aubrey Drake "Drizzyy" Graham

The man in the title of this entry is simply a lyrical genius. What I think makes him so great is, that he doesn't just sell records by rapping about money, cars, and hoes. He sells what's on his mind and what's in his heart. When you can do that and sell over a million copies of your first album, then damn you can realize you got some sort of talent. Think about it though for a second, I mean a lot of his tracks we can relate to like feelings for a girl, or moving to fast with a girl, or being deceived by a girl. I know I have but whatever. On top of being able to rap, and do the smooth softness that requires to do good R&B music, he acts also! He was a part of the Degrassi show for I believe one or two seasons. So this "kid" (in reality that's what he is although he is older than me) is a self made multi millionaire on his ability to act, and express feelings from the heart & mind to a piece of paper, or in his case a blackberry and then speak it with a genuine flow. Yeah a lot of people have that ability as well, but correct me if I'm wrong in saying that Drake has a style that's just rare. No one really compares to his humbleness and I guess sorta swag that he carries himself with you can say.

Nonetheless I'm just really excited about going to his concert on September 21st in Miami! This will be his first time performing in Miami so I expect him to do it big, and extravagantly. If you haven't got a ticket don't bother trying cause it's sold out! Drake is highly regarded as the next big thing, and pretty much has already lived up to it, now it's just a matter of staying at the top and doing what he does. So Drizzyyyy I'm ready for you to come to Miami and tear it up, I've seen the performance you did in Toronto and the energy you had gave me goosebumps, hope you do the same in MIA. No homo haha. Peace!

God Bless all.

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