Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ladies & Gentleman!

5 letter word.

EDIT::Post sucks, posted it up for the sake of the topic and maybe for you to learn something like I did!

This 5 letter word says, be careful of what you do to others as it might come back to bite you in the ass. Well that wasn't much of a riddle. A word commonly thrown around these days mostly out of anger, karma. I hear it a lot, I've heard it personally thrown at me, and I've heard others talk about how they fear it, and or wish it upon others.

This topic so to speak got me wondering what the exact definition for the word karma is. Well here it is according to

The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.

This comes from Buddhism. I was literally about to stop this post. Cause I can't really further elaborate on it like I would. Fact of the matter is I learned something right now, that I don't believe in karma. Karma claims that if you're quote unlucky or have "bad karma" in this life your currently living it's cause you did something in a previous life to receive that bad karma. Same goes for good karma I suppose. While on this page though looking at the definition it had an advertisement that read "FREE PAST LIFE KARMA". As I finish this sentence I'm going to click it, and then continue to blog.

Click yourself to find out.

I was really tempted to continue on with this advertisement for the sake of the blog, but it's just screaming out to me virus & spam. Ah what a shitty post. I still feel like writing I'm gonna get another idea, and post. Sorry for a boring blog post. In conclusion karma you suck, even to write about. Oh and yeah I don't believe in you.

God Bless!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Never give up.

Dreams. Simple word. So many different meanings for so many different people. The best thing about a dream is that it's yours, and nobody can tell you otherwise. If you have a dream, I hope it's a big one. You know I -excuse me WE all have a BIG God, who does BIG things so you know what dream BIG today. Don't be afraid of failure. Not sure who's quote this is but "You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take". So why not take a shot at the something that seems surreal. Why dream about just getting by and having a decent job, instead dream about that life you've always longed for and go CHASE IT! I know some peoples situations aren't as great as others, but believe me there's no excuse. People have come from nothing literally nothing, and have been able to overcome all obstacles to accomplish their dreams. Why can't you?

Never give up. Never let anyone tell you what you CAN & can't do. You are your own person and you on your own can decide what you can and can't do. Me personally I like to ask for Gods guidance and His will upon things before I do them. That way I know I'm pleasing Him when I'm doing what I want, if it's not what He wants then I'll alter my ambition for something else. That's my point of view and everyone has their own I just thought I should share mine. Anyways today I want to encourage you, to not give up on something your striving for, no matter how far out of reach it is. Have faith and know that a dream, especially a big one is tough to attain. "If something is easy, it's not worth it." Your dream shouldn't happen overnight regardless of what it is unless your dream is to win the lottery lol. But in all realness, you know what's the best thing about accomplishing a dream. I can't say from experience or anything but what I imagine is, looking back and saying I proved all those doubters wrong, and on top of that look at all the struggles I fought through to get where I'm at today. I just feel like that'll give you a sense of accomplishment, of success, of pride for what you did.

So if you've recently fallen off the path of what was your path to your dreams, then get back on! Don't wait till tomorrow, don't prolong it anymore. Were in a society today in day where everything is competition. Even with school it's all about GPA, volunteer work, extra curricular activities, SAT, etc. Society has taught us to be selfish in the sense of your dreams, I gotta say I agree. A dream is something you must fight and compete for. Cause your not the only one with that dream, so if you want it you better put the time, dedication, and sacrifice needed to make that dream a reality. It's a cruel world, filled with people who will do anything for what they truly want. I'm sure you guys know this by now at least my loyal readers about what my mom has always told me "Las cosas con mas sacrifico dan las mas grandes recompensas". So give your all, and after you've given your all give your everything. Don't quit. Instead get back up and fight! Believe! Have faith, talk positive over yourself and go snag that dream. I'm not a big Lady Gaga fan at all, but I LOVE this quote and it fits in perfect with the subject at hand. “I don’t like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I'm from New York. I will kill to get what I need.” That right there is a killer mentality I LOVE it. Anyways that's about it for me today. I'm going to get some rest. I'll leave you guys with some more quotes to hopefully make you believe.

“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'”

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.”

God bless!!

Friday, November 19, 2010


I'll post about soccer when I get back to the states. Right now I want to talk about the different "hambientes". When I say that I mean the way they live over here (Colombia) compared to the States. One thing I absolutely love is the people over here, it's the friendliness, the happiness, the HAMBIENTE. Lol sorry that word is just so perfect for what I'm attempting to describe to yall.

Anyways some examples would be it's shocking how poor some people could be, and how happy they still happen to be. These people are the definition of money can't buy happiness in the poor sense. The other way would be a rich person who just can't find happiness cause of all his greed or whatever reason. But whatever, these people LOVE there country! The other day we were driving by these fu**ed up streets, and the poor people are the ones fixing it, they don't get money for it, they just keep there country, there area, there home, the streets clean. In the US some people won't even make an effort to throw there own trash in a trash can, I've been guilty of this, but I definitely have bettered myself, and I don't hesitate even now to clean after others trash left on the floor. I'm just pointing out some little things that you notice when your in a different country.

This part I HATE about the US and LOVE about Colombia. The people over here are not to THEMSELVES. They never hesitate to hold a door open, say hello when stepping into an elevator, or help you if you seem lost. I was walking with my dad on the streets the other day looking for the dentist, and this guy noticed we looked lost. We weren't talking or asking anything and he politely asked if we needed help, guided us, and we thanked him and went our separate ways. Now some may feel what I'm about to say isn't completely true, but in the states you can ask someone for help and they'll ignore you! I remember in NY that happened to me this guy blatantly ignored my friends, and I. It's as if in the states everyone is in there own bubble nobody wants to talk to others, or help others out like free for all, every man for themselves it's annoying at times. The other thing is out here people are always hanging out on the corners, chilling talking, at bars in the afternoon not even drinking just chatting. I LOVE that. In Miami this is true/false you have your people that if you want to hang out with them you got to plan 9 days in advance, tell them the price of the meal, who's going to drive, what exact time, and how long it will take. Now listen I know sometimes you got other responsibilities but I love the Miami people who your just like hey let's go to the beach, alright let go! Or hey let's go to this place, and than from there we'll just see what happens and do something else and whatever. There is barely anymore spontaneous people in Miami. But the times that people are spontaneous, (and I bet you that you can ask them this) is usually when they have the best times ever. Those random unplanned days & nights are always funner than the "hey thursday 8pm here then 9:22pm there, and than this and that" ah hate that. Sometimes it's good to have it planned out, but always better to just be spontaneous. Hang out with friends talk for a little. People in the states get so rowled up in their own business that their lives become routine. School, work, cook, save money, pay bills, clean, sleep, repeat. Live a little enjoy life!!! Be happy, be spontaneous!!

God bless!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Your mine.

Off To Colombia!

Wassuppppp!!! I been doing my own thing in Miami as of late. Personal training, gym, eating right (trying), not going out as much, working a lot in my dads business, playing with friends 5v5, 11v11. Anywayssss, It's currently 4:34AM as I type away. I'm excited about my trip to Colombia to visit family I haven't seen years, and to try out with Junior or at least train with them (the first team). I feel honestly more prepared for this trial than any other one, but we'll have to wait and see what God has in store for me. I gotta say a lot of things have gotten better in my life as of late. For example I'm back to a lot more consistent praying, helping others out, going to church, and being more responsible. Back to my trip to Colombia I leave tomorrow at 2:00PM and will be gone for a week, it's gonna be nice to get away from Miami for a bit, everyone can always use a break from it from time to time.

After that Thanksgiving will be coming up & my best friend who moved to Atlanta will be back in town!! We already have some pretty major going out plans after Thanksgiving day! I also got a trip planned already to New York on December 9th to the 13th with my brother and friends to watch the Dolphin V Jets game, and sightsee. I have a friend over there who is going to show me around so should be lots of fun! I'm also planning to visit a friend of mine who moved to Panama for school but that might be sometime in January after Christmas and New Years!! So overall life is feeling pretty fulfilling with some exciting stuff coming up in the near future! I should be updating when I get back from Colombia but we'll see how that goes. Till the next post may God bless you, and have some faith, dream big, work for what you want. Oh something else that's lately been in my head...

"People want change in their lives, but don't change anything about their lives."

God Bless!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lecrae - Truth

I don't even have to say anything, just listen ------>

Then read the lyrics below to really understand the message. Back to church tonight, it feels like it's going to be good.

This song right here is for everybody out there looking for truth
And who says, ya know, we all in the same boat
Christians, Muslims, everybody like that
You're looking for truth
(Oh) I got some answers man
(So good to me) let's get into it.

Let's go
Night and day I ain't scared to sayin we different
They play the prostitute, but they like to say they just intimate
Idols in their heart, they can't seem to lose the grip on it
Seem em walking in the direction they can get crippled with?
Our world is different like Whitley and Wayne, mayne
They say we look the same, but we ain't chasin the same thing
It all boils down to they think everything is relative
Jesus might as well be a South American president
Very evident…they say that Jesus was heaven sent
They lifestyle reflects that they worship theyself instead of him
They don't acknowledge the Christ
If they did, they wouldn't worship themselves by the way that they live
All these rappers say they got guns that spray of 16
I got a Luke 9 that can take all 16
That's the Bible, the one they call
But they don't care about the author, They think he's a joke

Man, see some folks say, "All truth is relative, it just depends on what you believe." You know, "hey man, ain't no way to know for sure who God is or what's really true." But that means you believe your own statement; that there's no way to know what's really true. You're saying that that statement is true. You're killing yourself. If what's true for you is true for you and what's true for me is true for me, what if my truth says your's is a lie? Is it still true? Come on man!

I promise everybody is askin the same questions, "Who am I? What is my purpose and my direction?"
Probably believe that you exist for no other reason
Than self satisfaction, hedonism, and pleasing things
Life's about you gettin yours and being happy
Even if it means a divorce and switchin families?
Your job, your house, your car, your spouse
It's all for the glory of you…else you out

You go to school, get ya degrees, and get a job
So you can make a whole lot of cheese, cuz life's hard
You never thought of livin to please a real God
And that's the reason He made you
(See) He gave you breath to breathe, the chest to breathe it
So you can taste and see He's the best, believe it
He made us for His glory, and not for your own, homie
Our God is holy…you should repent and die slowly

See, there's this thing called "Secular Humanism", it says man is the source of all meaning and all purposing. You know what i'm saying? We're just the result of a big cosmic explosion. We don't really have a purpose or meaning, so we just come up with our own purpose. We're the source of our meaning and our purpose. How can a man, which is the product of chance, a finite being be the source of purpose and meaning? You can't! You're created with purpose man! Get with The Creator yo!

Man, everybody got a problem with God
And when you mention the Christ, then they really get to turning the knob
But some say they roll with Christ
Cuz some rappers made him seem like He was cool with all the sin in they life
But then some say, "How could God exist when all this evil stuff in the world keep persistin?"
Wrong question, ask again
How come God ain't let you feel the wrath from sin?
What you thought last night deserves a first class flight to Hell
Where God doesn't dwell, you got that right
But he brought back life on that cross that night
Christ died
You ain't know that it cost that price?
All of God's anger poured on His Son
Been together through all eternity
Now He was shun
Praise God for the life that was won for us
Ain't got a beef with God because the Son was Christ

Look, man, some people say that God ain't real 'cause they don't see how a good God can exsist with all this evil in the world. If God is real then He should stop all this evil, 'cause He's all-powerful right? What is evil though man? It's anything that's against God. It's anything morally bad or wrong. It's murder, rape, stealing, lying, cheating. But if we want God to stop evil, do we want Him to stop it all or just a little bit of it? If He stops us from doing evil things, what about lying, or what about our evil thoughts? I mean, where do you stop, the murder level, the lying level, or the thinking level? If we want Him to stop evil, we gotta be consistent, we can't just pick and choose. That means you and I would be eliminated right? Because we think evil stuff. If that's true, we should be eliminated! But thanks be to God that Jesus stepped in to save us from our sin! Christ died for all evilness! Repent, turn to Jesus man!"