Friday, November 19, 2010


I'll post about soccer when I get back to the states. Right now I want to talk about the different "hambientes". When I say that I mean the way they live over here (Colombia) compared to the States. One thing I absolutely love is the people over here, it's the friendliness, the happiness, the HAMBIENTE. Lol sorry that word is just so perfect for what I'm attempting to describe to yall.

Anyways some examples would be it's shocking how poor some people could be, and how happy they still happen to be. These people are the definition of money can't buy happiness in the poor sense. The other way would be a rich person who just can't find happiness cause of all his greed or whatever reason. But whatever, these people LOVE there country! The other day we were driving by these fu**ed up streets, and the poor people are the ones fixing it, they don't get money for it, they just keep there country, there area, there home, the streets clean. In the US some people won't even make an effort to throw there own trash in a trash can, I've been guilty of this, but I definitely have bettered myself, and I don't hesitate even now to clean after others trash left on the floor. I'm just pointing out some little things that you notice when your in a different country.

This part I HATE about the US and LOVE about Colombia. The people over here are not to THEMSELVES. They never hesitate to hold a door open, say hello when stepping into an elevator, or help you if you seem lost. I was walking with my dad on the streets the other day looking for the dentist, and this guy noticed we looked lost. We weren't talking or asking anything and he politely asked if we needed help, guided us, and we thanked him and went our separate ways. Now some may feel what I'm about to say isn't completely true, but in the states you can ask someone for help and they'll ignore you! I remember in NY that happened to me this guy blatantly ignored my friends, and I. It's as if in the states everyone is in there own bubble nobody wants to talk to others, or help others out like free for all, every man for themselves it's annoying at times. The other thing is out here people are always hanging out on the corners, chilling talking, at bars in the afternoon not even drinking just chatting. I LOVE that. In Miami this is true/false you have your people that if you want to hang out with them you got to plan 9 days in advance, tell them the price of the meal, who's going to drive, what exact time, and how long it will take. Now listen I know sometimes you got other responsibilities but I love the Miami people who your just like hey let's go to the beach, alright let go! Or hey let's go to this place, and than from there we'll just see what happens and do something else and whatever. There is barely anymore spontaneous people in Miami. But the times that people are spontaneous, (and I bet you that you can ask them this) is usually when they have the best times ever. Those random unplanned days & nights are always funner than the "hey thursday 8pm here then 9:22pm there, and than this and that" ah hate that. Sometimes it's good to have it planned out, but always better to just be spontaneous. Hang out with friends talk for a little. People in the states get so rowled up in their own business that their lives become routine. School, work, cook, save money, pay bills, clean, sleep, repeat. Live a little enjoy life!!! Be happy, be spontaneous!!

God bless!

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