Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Never give up.

Dreams. Simple word. So many different meanings for so many different people. The best thing about a dream is that it's yours, and nobody can tell you otherwise. If you have a dream, I hope it's a big one. You know I -excuse me WE all have a BIG God, who does BIG things so you know what dream BIG today. Don't be afraid of failure. Not sure who's quote this is but "You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take". So why not take a shot at the something that seems surreal. Why dream about just getting by and having a decent job, instead dream about that life you've always longed for and go CHASE IT! I know some peoples situations aren't as great as others, but believe me there's no excuse. People have come from nothing literally nothing, and have been able to overcome all obstacles to accomplish their dreams. Why can't you?

Never give up. Never let anyone tell you what you CAN & can't do. You are your own person and you on your own can decide what you can and can't do. Me personally I like to ask for Gods guidance and His will upon things before I do them. That way I know I'm pleasing Him when I'm doing what I want, if it's not what He wants then I'll alter my ambition for something else. That's my point of view and everyone has their own I just thought I should share mine. Anyways today I want to encourage you, to not give up on something your striving for, no matter how far out of reach it is. Have faith and know that a dream, especially a big one is tough to attain. "If something is easy, it's not worth it." Your dream shouldn't happen overnight regardless of what it is unless your dream is to win the lottery lol. But in all realness, you know what's the best thing about accomplishing a dream. I can't say from experience or anything but what I imagine is, looking back and saying I proved all those doubters wrong, and on top of that look at all the struggles I fought through to get where I'm at today. I just feel like that'll give you a sense of accomplishment, of success, of pride for what you did.

So if you've recently fallen off the path of what was your path to your dreams, then get back on! Don't wait till tomorrow, don't prolong it anymore. Were in a society today in day where everything is competition. Even with school it's all about GPA, volunteer work, extra curricular activities, SAT, etc. Society has taught us to be selfish in the sense of your dreams, I gotta say I agree. A dream is something you must fight and compete for. Cause your not the only one with that dream, so if you want it you better put the time, dedication, and sacrifice needed to make that dream a reality. It's a cruel world, filled with people who will do anything for what they truly want. I'm sure you guys know this by now at least my loyal readers about what my mom has always told me "Las cosas con mas sacrifico dan las mas grandes recompensas". So give your all, and after you've given your all give your everything. Don't quit. Instead get back up and fight! Believe! Have faith, talk positive over yourself and go snag that dream. I'm not a big Lady Gaga fan at all, but I LOVE this quote and it fits in perfect with the subject at hand. “I don’t like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I'm from New York. I will kill to get what I need.” That right there is a killer mentality I LOVE it. Anyways that's about it for me today. I'm going to get some rest. I'll leave you guys with some more quotes to hopefully make you believe.

“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'”

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.”

God bless!!

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