Monday, May 18, 2009

Prom Weekend!!

Edit: The first two paragraphs are pretty poker related, along with a talk of me and my friend! After that is Prom Weekened!

So Friday night, day before Prom I decide to go to the Mick (Casino)and play $100one of my good friends Phil.He lives down here but goes to school at the University of Florida, so we barely spend time together and playing poker together while making money is always niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :). Anyways I arrive at the Mick and play after ab out a 30 minute wait. I'm pretty card dead for about and hour but am up $20, with some pretty standard stuff. Then I get 106cc in mid position, UTG player raises to $10 I call and the SB calls as well. $31 pot FLOP: Kh10x6h SB checks UTG bets $15 I make it $45 SB folds UTG puts me all in for $120 I call. He shows AK no heart TURN:Q RIVER:A........................

Ugh so gay. I was pretty frustrated with the beat along with losing about a $250 pot, but I just got up and left and said good game. After that it was kind of late, so I decided to go home. Phil texted me after and said he lost $60 as well. So overall it was a frustrating night. Though after Phil, and I had a really intresting discussion, how the money we had previously made from poker although we did treat ourselves with it, with gifts and stuff, we donated a lot of it to back to poker not cause we suck just primarily bad beats or unlucky whatever it's apart of the game. But anyways way back when Phil and I first met we both talked about everything and we still do. Anyways we agreed that all of the money we made from poker that we cashed out from online or made live we would give 10% back to God. Now there were different ways of doing this for example you can give to a charity, give it to the church, pay for a strangers gas, etcc etcc. Whatever God puts in your heart. BUT it can't benefit you for example like giving your friend money to play poker and him giving you a percentage of what he makes. Not giving to God! So anyways still owe God money, and I feel terrible I won $500 and still haven't paid him back. So I need to give him $50, in what way I'm gonna do it I still haven't decided. Wow im rambling lol the point was that Phil, and I both need to stay in agreement with what we said we'd do and pay God back, that way he will bless us when we play poker and when we win, he'll receive fruits from our labor! Sorry for rambling so much!

Now saturday I went out got my tape up for my hair, ate crap for a bit, then after I went to the Fountaine Bleau to check in with my brother. The lobby of the hotel is amazing it self the colors everything is sick sick sick! So our room was suppose to be a connected room, but they didn't have any availabe yet we reserved it?!?!?! So after a good 30 minutes of bitching, we get an upgrade :) I'll take it! We end up with a beautiful 3 room suite! Chcek the pictures!!!

Anyways after all the crap, it was welllllllllllllllllll worth it! So at 7ish we get ready for prom and I will show one picture of my girlfriend and I! We decided it was pointless to rent a limo for prom, when I have a nice car as it is <---- not to brag but I have been told! So anyways we get to the Prom and I must say it was a very beautiful, and well done prom, I had a great time with all my friends dancing jumping up and down! So we left prom at about 11:30 to get a jump on the traffic and head ot to the after partiessssssssssssss! We get back to the hotel shower change, and head out around 12:50ish-1am, we go to our friend's Stephanie's telly and it wasn't all that great not to say it was bad, but it was very chill, and I wanted to wile out!! So then after we drive to another telly this is a penthouse so it seems really good on our way up the stairs though, their is some 25yr oldish guy being held by security he starts to bitch at us as he is beyond drunk and claims were following him to his room. So we wait till they lock him up in his room and proceed, when we open the door, and get in they tell us be very quiet people are complaining and we must even walk slowly our the might kick everyone out?!?! Sighhhhhh this telly was not the greatest there was no music everyone was in little groups, and I was dissapointed at the time we leave this telly it's about 3am were all starving and upset with how bad the after parties were at least for our expectations! We get pizza and end up falling asleep at about 4:30am.

Sunday morning can't honestly remember the time we wake up at but my girlfriend my brother and his girlfriend and I all have a great big breakfast that room service delivers cause were so baller like that at least for this weekend haha! After breakfast we get showered up and head down to the sickkkk pool, we chill have some water relax hit the pool, tan, and recover from our sleepless night so to speak lol. After that we went to the lincoln road mall, and walked around got some subway met up with our friend Chris who spent the rest of the weekend with us well at least sunday lol. After that we went back to the room, got hungry again, got some chicken kitchen, and relaxed for about an hour. Afterwards we all got chilled and watch the Magic v Celtics game 7! To spice up the night we each picked a player for exmaple if you chose Ray Allen everytime he scored you take a shot, or if you chose Rondo it would be everytim he assisted or stole the ball. etcc etcc. My player was Rondo and okay he just decided to get a million assists, lol after about 40 minutes and us getting pretty tipsy, we chose a new game and played Simon Says. Someone is Simon and whoever loses takes a shot and then becomes Simon it was pretty hilarious, and we got even more drunk. Not to the point where we didn't know what we were doing but to the point where were all happy, regardless of what's going on lol. After we decide to head downstairs, and just look for something to do although it's Sunday. On our way to go walk to the beach we see Courtney Kardashian (below is a picture of her) yeah she looked good, but she didn't turn when we called her although her entire possee did, so I don't like her anymore! Lol so after walking around were completely exhausted from no sleep, drinking, and just too much walking all day. We go back upstairs and call it a night.

Monday morning now, I wake up and fight with my freaking girlfriend cause I wanted to go to school to not be absent, and she wanted me to stay and after telling me I'd "make her the happiest girl in the world if i stayed" anddddddddddddddd I couldn't resist, so I stayed and made her the happiest girl in the world cause I'm so nice :)! We headed down to the pool relaxed all day and came back home around 2ish, oh yeah we also saw Dennis Rodman but when I was gonna say something
he went to the bathroom oh well....Well pretty much came back I'm exhausted now from typing as I had practice earlier, and I felt really good the way I was playing on the field, so yeah now I'm home and have 12 days left till I graduateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) Peace everyone andddd

God Bless !!

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