Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm a professional soccer player!

That's right I signed my first professional soccer contract!!! And before I even go into anything I must give all thanks, and Glory to God, for if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be anywhere near where I'm at today! It's quite breathtaking to know 2 years ago I was said not to be good enough to be on my A team (I was on the B team), I was told I'd never go to a division 1 soccer program, I was doubted and told I was too slow, and now all of the sudden I'm going pro it's all happened so fast... And I know that I'm not the best or the fastest or the strongest, but I do know that with God on my side I can accomplish things people think aren't possible. But I have a big God so why not have big dreams!

Anyways thankfully today I left school early to head out to the meeting at my house with the two representatives of Traffic which are Fernando Claviho, and Luis Muzzi. Too very nice guys, who I would consider more than just soccer friends or buisness partners, I would consider them personal friends. Two very well spoken and kind individuals. So I got home and we spoke about the contract and changed some numbers around in my favor and asked about the vacations back home, etcc etcc. I would go into detail on my contract, but their going to have a press release I believe and don't want me speaking of the numbers yet. So when I'm allowed to those who are intrested can check back in here and see. But just to let you know I get paid a salary, while they pay for my living, food, airfare travel, and all expenses besides those that are personal. So all my salary money is for me to save and spend here in there ;)

So in conclusion (thanking and giving all the glory to God) I have signed with Traffic Sports and now will be heading to Sao Paulo, Brazil on June 15th to begin my soccer career I do think I will continue to blog about my expeierences over there and everything, so here's my opening blog to my new life; A soccer professional my dream. It's unbelievable that I'm going to be allowed to live my dream. I mean so many kids dream of becoming a soccer player, football player, basketball player, and to know I'm one of those kids that have just slightly broke into the professional world feels amazing! But I know this is just the beggining hopefully this is just a stepping stone in a glorious career, and if God permits one day I can be playing in Europe or in a World Cup and you guys can watch me on TV! Lol well kinda tired from all this typing, so let me conclude with this. Don't let anyone tell you, that you can't achieve something especially if you know that you have a God who can change your life in a second. So take careee and God blesss everyoneeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Thank you for you love and support, and prayers S/O to Dughly Medina praying for me up in Canada!!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love Bella & Ney!
    cant wait to visit you there!!

  2. HEYYYYYYYYYYY Man hello
    Que bien Danny gracias por tu escrito y en español que gran esfuerzo el que haces solo quiero reiterarte cada una de mis palabras en nuestra conversacion y que las tengas siempre presentes pues ellas seran tu escudo protector
    Te Quiero Mucho Mucho
    Tio Mau

  3. Gracias Tio por leer vez en cuando escribo en espanol para la vos y la familia .... manana jugamos contra el equipo de los EEUU Sub 17 .. ese lo hare en espanol tmbn tio quidase y estamos hablando

  4. danny!! i can't believe you're going pro. amazing! its awesome to know that you're doing great and have such good things going for you, with the grace of God. :) oh, elementary school years. i'm glad to have known you and to know you as my old friend and to hear you're growing up into a great guy livin' up to his dreams. :)
    keep striving,
    shennie barroso

  5. hey, its crazy to actually hear about a professional player talking about his expieriences in becoming a pro soccer player. the only thing i want to do in my life is to become a professional soccer player as well, so i was wondering if you could give me some tips and help in my dream to become a pro. my email is sccrphenon910@hotmail.com

  6. dany una prugunta cuandos diaz de vacaciones ledan alos professionales de descanso

  7. could you please give me some tips too ..im 16 in canada and i have high hopes for myself but i want some guidance on how to achieve this dream
    my email is cr17zeeshan@hotmail.com

    thnx mate

  8. Hi my name is Austin and I live in the USA and I was wondering if u can give me some tips on acheiving my dream as a pro soccer player and if be devastated if not accomplished please email me at faciane.austin@yahoo.com anyone with any times for me will be greatly thanxed

  9. plse email me 2 at lboysanneh@yahoo.com

    thx hope all the best

  10. Hey how are you hope your having a great professional career could i plz have some tips on how to become a proffesional soccer player (football) i play as a goalkeeper in england probobly one of the bst ones just could you give me some tips to get better plz :) could you tell me your full name so i can reaserch you my email jaunums27@inbox.lv

  11. I am from Canada and 16 years old please email me at mvp107@hotmail.com all I want in life is to be a professional Soccer Player ! Best of luck and please get back to me ASAP
